We are committed to providing the healthiest food possible to our hungry neighbors in need in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties – that’s why we pack all of our bags based on USDA Standards for a Healthy Diet. Please help us provide nutritionally balanced food by donating items from the list below.
Our current most needed items:
Peanut Butter (To-Go Cups and 28 oz. jars or smaller)
Microwaveable Meals (e.g. Hormel Compleats)
100% Fruit Juice Boxes or Bottles (8 oz. or less)
Oatmeal (boxes of single serve packets)
Chicken and Tuna (canned and pouches)
Canned Fruit in 100% Juice (20 oz. or smaller)
Canned Mixed Vegetables (16 oz. or smaller)
We also accept and appreciate all non-perishable food donations. To ensure food safety, we cannot take any rusty or unlabeled cans, perishable items, homemade items, noncommercial canned or packaged goods, alcoholic beverages, or items that have been used or opened.
Donations are accepted Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 3030 North E Street, Pensacola, FL 32501. If you don’t need a receipt for your donation, you can simply leave the items in the barrel next to the donation door (located at the top of Hayes Street).
Want a contact-free method of donating? You can also shop our Amazon and Walmart Wishlists! To view our Amazon wish list, visit https://amzn.to/2CiO89A. To view our Walmart wish list, visit https://bit.ly/walmart4manna. Items can be sent to Manna, 3030 North E Street, Pensacola, FL 32501.
Thank you for your support in ensuring our neighbors in need have access to healthy food!
Questions? Please call (850) 432-2053 or email fooddrives@mannahelps.org.
Manna helped 86,890 in 2023. But we still need your help.
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